Greek Marinated Chicken

I found a fabulous chicken recipe this past weekend and I just have to share it! This one is a Greek Marinated Chicken made with chicken thighs and legs. This one comes from "Budget Bytes". Their website is: and I can appreciate the information they place on the site. They give a lot of information about balancing your budget and still having the ability to eat well. That's right up my alley! Check out their site for some great budget information with your grocery list!

This Greek Marinated Chicken recipe grabbed my attention because they posted a picture with the chicken marinating in a white creamy sauce. When I looked at the ingredients, I saw it was made from plain Greek yogurt! YEAH for a healthy marinade high in protein!

This one is really easy to make. You do need to let your chicken marinate for 30 minutes, but this one is gluten free and can be baked in the oven or grilled. Step by step instructions are listed below. This one has a wonderful garlic and lemon taste and was a huge hit tonight in my house! This will easily become one of your family's favorites!


  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1/2 tablespoon dried oregano
  • 1 medium lemon
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 cup fresh parsley
  • 4lbs chicken pieces (I chose thighs and legs)
  • To make the marinade, combine the yogurt, olive oil, minced garlic, oregano, salt and pepper in a bowl.
  • Use a cheese grater or zester to scrape a thin later of lemon zest from the lemon skin into the bowl.
  • Add the the juice from half the lemon. Stir until the ingredients are well combined.
  • Clean and then chop about 1/4 cup of fresh parsley and add to the bowl and mix well with the marinade.

  • Grab a gallon sized zip top bag and add the chicken pieces and marinade to the bag. Move the chicken around to ensure each piece is well coated.

  • Refrigerate the bag for about 30 minutes.
  • After marinating, you can choose to grill the chicken or bake in the oven. If you bake in the oven, preheat oven to 375 and bake for about 40 to 60 minutes to ensure done.
  • I chose to grill the chicken and grilled for a total of 35 minutes.

  • Ensure your chicken is cooked fully through and it is then ready to serve.



    Coconut Lime Marshmallow Cake

    Coconut Lime Marshmallow Cake - a fantastic combination of flavors and textures including a light lime sponge cake, a tangy lime curd, fluffy marshmallow frosting and a generous coating of toasted coconut.

    My sister and her kids are visiting from Alberta this month and were coming for dinner one night last week so once again, I was in the mood to create a special dessert cake to mark the occasion. The only inspiration I had was a bag of limes that Spouse had purchased earlier that week. I'd had the idea for a while to try a coconut lime cake but didn't want anything too, too heavy.

    Kids always enjoy the marshmallow frosting I make for cakes and cupcakes so I decided to use that along with plain unsweetened toasted coconut to frost the cake. The marshmallow frosting is sweet enough on its own anyway and the unsweetened version has more of the true coconut flavor so that worked very well.

    I love a good tart lime curd, so that was easy enough to decide on for the filling but I didn't want a heavy cake to support all those great flavors so I chose a simple sponge cake with a little lime zest added for extra flavor. The combination of flavors and textures turned out fantastically well and wasn't too heavy at all; in fact, I'd say it is one of my favorite new cakes I've created this year.

     Coconut Lime Marshmallow Cake - a fantastic combination of flavors and textures including a light lime sponge cake, a tangy lime curd, fluffy marshmallow frosting and a generous coating of toasted coconut.

    Lime Curd

    • 6 large or extra large egg yolks
    • Zest of 2 large limes
    • ½ cup fresh lime juice
    • ¾ cup sugar
    • ½ cup butter cut in small pieces

    Whisk together egg yolks, lime juice and zest, and sugar in a small saucepan. Cook over medium low heat, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens enough to coat the wooden spoon. Remocve from heat and whisk in the butter, one piece at a time until smooth.

    At this point you can press the lime cured through a sieve to remove the zest if desired but I don't bother.
    Chill completely before using to fill the center of the two cake layers.

    Lime Sponge Cake

    Sift together and set aside:
    • 1 cup flour
    • 1 tsp baking powder
    For the meringue base of the batter you will need:
    • 6 eggs separated, room temperature
    • 1/4 tsp cream of tarter
    • 1 cup sugar, separated in 2 half cups
    • 2 tsp vanilla extract
    • 1/2 tsp lemon flavoring (optional)

    Beat egg whites and cream of tarter until foamy. Add ½ cup sugar gradually until egg whites are stiff.

    Beat egg yolks and ½ cup sugar until foamy and thickened.

    Fold beaten egg yolks into the beaten egg whites along with the vanilla (and lemon) for only a few turns before slowly and gradually folding in the flour and baking powder mixture very gently BY HAND using a rubber spatula until just incorporated into the meringue mixture. I mix in the dry ingredients in 3 equal portions. Do not over mix, you just want the flour to be incorporated; over mixing will deflate the egg whites and result in a tough textured final product.

    During the final minute of folding the batter add
    • zest of one lime, finely minced
    Pour into ungreased and parchment paper lined 8 or 9 inch round cake pans and bake at 325 degrees F for 25-30 minutes or until center springs back when touched. Turn onto a wire rack to cool completely.

    Marshmallow Frosting
      • 4 egg whites
      • ¼ tsp cream of tarter
      • 2 tsp vanilla extract
      • 1 1/4 cups sugar
      • ½ cup corn syrup
      • 1/4 cup water
      In a small saucepan combine sugar, corn syrup and water. Bring to a boil over medium heat and continue to cook until the mixture reaches 240 degrees F on a candy thermometer or when a teaspoonful of the mixture dropped into ice water forms a soft ball that holds its shape when cool.

      Whip the egg whites, cream of tartar and vanilla extract to soft peaks in a large bowl. With the mixer on medium high speed, slowly begin to pour the sugar syrup down the side of the egg white bowl in a thin continuous stream. Continue to whip the frosting until it forms stiff peaks.

      Frost your cake immediately with this frosting while it is still slightly warm as it is easier to spread smoothly than if allowed to cool completely.

      I like to pipe a rim of frosting around the edge of the bottom layer of cake to form a sort of well for the lime curd before adding the top layer and frosting the entire outside of the cake. Reserve 1/4 cup of the lime curd to garnish the cake if desired.

      When the cake is completely frosted cover the top and sides of the cake with

      • 1 cup toasted unsweetened coconut

      I toast coconut in the oven at 350 degrees F by placing it in a shallow layer on a baking sheet for 5 to 10 minutes, tossing it about 3 times during the baking time.

      Coconut Lime Marshmallow Cake - a fantastic combination of flavors and textures including a light lime sponge cake, a tangy lime curd, fluffy marshmallow frosting and a generous coating of toasted coconut.


      French Toast

      This recipe is one of my husband's favorites. He only gets it 2 times a year...Father's Day and his birthday! So he got it today as it is Father's Day! Let's be honest's not good for you but it tastes absolutely amazing! I am a health freak who constantly eats well, but you have to enjoy life's simple pleasures every once in awhile :) I am a believer in a cheat meal!!

      I'm claiming this recipe as my own, only because I have altered it so much. It originally came from Better Homes and Garden...but my version is better (sorry, Better Homes).

      This is not gluten free; however, I have made this with gluten free bread and it tastes pretty feel free to sub out your bread if you are gluten free.

      • 4 beaten eggs
      • 1 cup milk
      • 2 Tablespoons sugar
      • 2 teaspoons vanilla
      • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
      • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
      • 2 Tablespoons butter
      • Maple Syrup
      • 8 slices Texas Toast
      • Pre-heat over to 350.
      • In a small and shallow bowl, beat together eggs, milk, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg.
      • Cut your slices of Texas Toast so you have 3 columns.

      • Dip bread slices quickly on both sides. You want to ensure both sides are covered, but not soaked.

      • In a skillet, melt your 2 tablespoons of butter over medium heat.
      • Add half the bread slices and cook until the first side is lightly browned.
      • Turn over and cook until the other side is browned.
      • Repeat with remaining bread slices.

      • Once all the bread slices are browned, place them on a cookie sheet and place in the oven for 10 minutes. The goal is to get these slightly crispy. This is what makes this recipe so good!
      • Remove and add butter and syrup.


      Homemade Guacamole

      I have been told that I make AMAZING guacamole. I typically just throw my ingredients in without measuring, but I have had so many requests to post this recipe that I actually sat down and wrote out the ingredients and measurements. I don't like overly creamy guacamole...I like some small avocado chunks in my version, so just FYI.

      This recipe is super easy and fast to make. I think people should really strive to make their own fresh guacamole instead of buying store bought. I try my hardest to use the freshest of ingredients. There is just no comparison in taste. This recipe is Gluten free and goes great with veggies if you are trying to stay away from chips. But I eat it with chips and veggies :)

      Just a note when picking out your avocados, make sure that when you gently press them they are soft. You do not want firm avocados when making guacamole.

      With summer now in full swing, this recipe is a HUGE winner in my house and in our neighborhood for all my friends! I make at least 3 batches for our summer parties!

      • 8 fresh avocados
      • 4 limes
      • 5 tablespoons chopped cilantro
      • 1 Tablespoon finely chopped onion - optional (white or red is fine. Using a red onion will give it more of an onion taste)
      • 1 chopped garlic clove
      • 2 tablespoons shredded cheese (I use a Monterey and Mild Cheddar mix)
      • 1 teaspoon garlic salt
      • Cut your avocados horizontally. Remove the seed, spoon out the avocado and put into a mixing bowl.
      •  Squeeze as much of the juice out of your 4 limes as you can into the mixing bowl. I use a citrus press and it works wonders!
      • Wash and then chop your fresh cilantro and place into the mixing bowl. Do the same with your onion and garlic clove.
      • Sprinkle your cheese in the mixing bowl.
      • Add 1 teaspoon of garlic salt.
      • I take a potato smasher and smash all my ingredients together in the mixing bowl. I then stir until it's very well blended. Feel free to add a bit more garlic salt for taste if you feel it needs more.
      • Serve with your favorite chips, veggies or with any Mexican dish.

      Moroccan Marinated Grilled Chicken Flatbread Burgers with Red Pepper Hummus

      Moroccan Marinated Grilled Chicken Flatbread Burgers with Red Pepper Hummus - a simple, spiced marinade flavors the chicken while the flatbreads are made on the grill right alongside it. Creamy red pepper hummus completes this delicious combination of flavors and textures.
      Moroccan Marinated Grilled Chicken Flatbread Burgers with Red Pepper Hummus
      The summer grilling season has finally come to my neck of the woods and though I'm sometimes wearing a heavy coat at the backyard grill, at least I'm not standing in snow to do it.

      Simply marinated and grilled lean meats with big summer salads make up the bulk of our weekday dinners in the summertime and we are always looking for new ways to add flavor to the grill, especially for pork and chicken. A new marinated pork chop idea is coming for later in the week but today I decided to show how we served these delicious spiced chicken breasts. Some leftover red pepper hummus and some pizza dough on  hand were the inspiration for these terrific chicken burgers.  I particularly loved the chewy, substantial texture of the flatbread and the creamy hummus in these sandwiches. They really were full meals in themselves.

      If making flatbreads for burger buns, you can make the dough or even buy pizza dough and follow the instructions found here. I'd make them about half the size though, using only 2 to 3 ounces of dough per flatbread.

      You can find the Red Pepper Hummus recipe here

      Moroccan Marinated Grilled Chicken Flatbread Burgers with Red Pepper Hummus

      Recipe by Barry C. Parsons

      Moroccan Marinated Grilled Chicken Flatbread Burgers with Red Pepper Hummus - a simple, spiced marinade flavors the chicken while the flatbreads are made on the grill right alongside it. Creamy red pepper hummus completes this delicious combination of flavors and textures.

      Prep time: 10 minutes
      Cook time: 10 minutes
      Total time: 1 hour 10 minutes including marinating time.
      Yield: 4 chicken burgers

      • 3 tbsp olive oil
      • 3 tbsp lemon juice
      • 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
      • 1 tsp turmeric
      • 1/2 tsp ground coriander seed
      • 1 tsp ground cardamom
      • 1/2 tsp ground cumin
      • 1 tsp smoked paprika
      • 2 cloves minced garlic
      • 1 tbsp grated ginger
      • 1 tsp kosher salt kosher salt
      • 1/2 tsp black pepper
      • 1/2 tsp nutmeg ground nutmeg
      • 4 large boneless skinless chicken breasts
      Cooking Directions
      1. Mix all ingredients together except the chicken breasts.
      2. Pound the chicken breasts out to a uniform thickness.
      3. Pour over the chicken breasts in a large Ziploc bag.
      4. Allow to marinate in the fridge for up to an hour.
      5. Grill on a medium hot grill until fully cooked, about 4 -5 minutes per side depending on the thickness of the chicken breasts. I use a meat thermometer to get the center of the chicken up over 165 degrees F.
      6. Remove from grill, cover loosely with aluminum foil and let rest for 5 minutes before serving on the flatbreads along with the red pepper hummus, sliced tomatoes and fresh lettuce. 

      Moroccan Marinated Grilled Chicken Flatbread Burgers with Red Pepper Hummus - a simple, spiced marinade flavors the chicken while the flatbreads are made on the grill right alongside it. Creamy red pepper hummus completes this delicious combination of flavors and textures.

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