This recipe is one of my original recipes; it is also one that I could probably "live on" if need be (I like it just that much!!) It is my "go to" recipe when picky-picky husband is grilling some huge slab-o-meat (and I want something a little lighter).

This recipe is also very quick and easy, made with pantry staples and if you double (or triple) it, it would be wonderful for a potluck.

1 cup raw white rice (not instant rice)
2 tablespoons canola oil
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
15 oz. can diced tomatoes in juice
1 tomato can of water + ½ cup

4 ounce can of mild green chili's
1 red bell pepper chopped

1 cup red kidney beans

1 small seeded and diced jalapeno (if you love extra heat)

Heat the canola oil, then add the raw rice, onion and spices. Saute this mixture until the onion is transparent and the rice is opaque. Add the red bell pepper, kidney beans, the whole can of diced tomatoes (plus the juice) plus 1 full can of water and another 1/2 cup of water and the mild green chili's (and jalapeno if you are using it....I don't think it's necessary.

Stir well and bring to a boil.

Put a tight fitting lid on the pan and turn the heat down to a slow simmer. Cook for 17 minutes, then turn off heat and let sit for 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork and serve.

NOTE: "Toasting" the spices in the oil/raw rice mixture at the beginning of this recipe really "wakes up" the spices and helps the flavor get deep into the rice.

Food and Exercise: Important Tips to Consider When You Start Working Out

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When you start exercising regularly, you may find that you are hungry more often, or even feel more tired than usual. This is normal, as you start to embark on your fitness journey but shouldn’t become the norm. One key element that can change the way you are feeling and curb hunger, is to adjust your eating accordingly.

What can often be overlooked, is the need to change your diet when you start exercising. It doesn’t have to be anything too drastic, but as you start to exercise, your body is using more energy and therefore, requires more food (aka, fuel) to help give you energy for the workouts, for the rest of the day and to help your muscles recover quickly.

Here are some top things you need to consider to maximise your energy and your workouts.

#1 Notice how you feel

Take note of how you are feeling, during the day and before, during and after exercising. Your body is the best guide there is. If you find you are hungrier than normal, then consider larger portions, or packing extra snacks.

#2 Eat a colourful plate

Make sure every meal you eat has a range of vegetables on it. It is also important to consider macronutrients and incorporate a good size of protein and carbohydrates. All these wholesome foods are jam packed with vitamins and minerals that are vital to our health and performance. Eating a variety of food on a daily, or weekly basis, can help ensure you are getting the full range of nutritious foods in your diet.

#3 Consider supplements

We cannot always get all the vitamins and nutrients we need from the food we eat. In some cases, either from dietary requirements such as being vegan or because of internal health issues, we can be deficient in certain areas, which can hinder our performance and energy levels. There are many different types of supplements you can buy, such as calcium, vitamin D, iron and protein that enable you to increase the levels you need. Protein is probably one of the most popular in the fitness industry, as it aids in vital muscle repairs. Supplements are important if you are not getting enough of the vitamins and nutrients you need in your diet. You can obtain supplement samples for free to see which ones work best for your diet and routine.

#4 Fuel up before you workout

Whether you like to work out early in the morning, or late at night, you must eat no less than one hour before exercising. Eating before exercise will ensure you have enough energy to get through the workout and increase your performance. Experts have suggested that something with carbohydrates or sugar is key for exercise, as it provides you with fuel and energy to burn. If you do not eat before exercising, you run the risk of giving up quicker or feeling light headed.

#5 Stay hydrated

Water is important before, during and after your workouts. When you exercise, you are going to be losing fluids as you sweat. Water is the best and quickest way to keep yourself hydrated, but you need to consider this all day, as opposed to just before the workout. If you are going to be exercising for a long period, there are special sports drinks you can obtain that help you balance electrolytes and increase energy.

Remember, that your body will tell you where and when you need to adapt. You must listen to what it is telling you, so you can get the most out of your exercise.

Fitness Diet: 5 Low-Calorie Cuisines Around the World

Image Credit: Photo by Vo Thuy Tien from Pexels

What are your favorite foods? Do you enjoy eating at restaurants that offer low-calorie options, or do you prefer to cook for yourself? If you're looking to add a few new dishes to your repertoire of healthy cuisine, then this blog post is for you! It will explore cuisines from all around the world.

Greek Cuisine

Greek cuisine is full of fresh vegetables and healthy olive oil. A typical meal might consist of grilled chicken with a salad, tomato-based soups (such as gazpacho), or lentil soup.

Japanese Cuisine

Japanese cuisine is also full of delicious low-calorie options. It is among the best cuisines from around the world. As a culture, they have been cooking healthy dishes for centuries! For example, a typical meal might consist of steamed vegetables with tofu over rice or seaweed salad.
Korean Cuisine

Korean cuisine is full of some surprising choices! For example, a typical dish might consist of a Korean-style barbecue, which contains grilled meats such as marinated beef, pork, or chicken.

Thai Cuisine

Thai cuisine is full of incredible tastes, and it's healthy too! For example, a typical dish might consist of green curry with vegetables.

Mexican cuisine

Mexican cuisine is traditionally in small portions such as three courses - primero, segundo, and postre. The main dish is historically a tortilla with beans, rice or corn, and protein.

Spanish Cuisine

Spanish cuisine is full of healthy choices. For example, a typical dish might consist of grilled vegetables with chickpeas and potatoes, a tapa with white beans, or fried eggs on top of toast.

French Cuisine

French cuisine has taken many leaps forward in terms of health consciousness! These chefs have created dishes that are low-calorie and high in protein. For example, a typical recipe might consist of a baked chicken breast with roasted root vegetables or an omelet made with egg whites.

Indian Cuisine

Indian cuisine is full of flavor, spices, and healthy dishes too! For example, a typical meal might consist of sevai (a variety of noodles) cooked up with peas and carrots or simple potato curry.

German Cuisine

German cuisine can be pretty healthy too! For example, their dishes might consist of grilled meat such as pork chops with roasted vegetables and potatoes or boiled chicken breast in dill sauce with steamed broccoli.

American Cuisine

There is no denying that American cuisine has some delicious low-calorie options! For example, a typical dish might consist of a vegetable-based soup, grilled chicken breast with steamed broccoli, or brown rice topped with vegetables and beans.

Italian Cuisine

Italian cuisine is full of mouth-watering flavor! A typical dish might consist of a grilled chicken breast with whole-grain pasta and vegetables or an omelet made from egg whites.

Importance of cuisines

Cuisines from all over the world are essential! They allow you to experience other cultures, try new things, and explore/ learn about new flavors. If you enjoy cooking food it can be a great hobby and allows you to feel more in control of your diet, which is healthier!
Final Thoughts

In conclusion, cuisines from all around the world are delicious and healthy. It's essential to take time for a meal, even when you're busy for maximum nutrition.


Top Tips for Planning the Food at Your Christmas Party

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Are you taking ownership of the Christmas party this year, or perhaps in charge of organising the food? The food plays an important role in the party, and while there are many great food options to choose from, it also involves meticulous planning if you want it to be a success. 

Here are some top tips for planning the food at your Christmas party for the best night. 

#1 Get everyone’s dietary requirements

It is vital that you first speak to all your guests before arranging the food, to obtain any dietary requirements. You never know who may have a strict requirement or a severe allergy, and the last thing you want is to cause any harm, or spend time and money planning and buying everything and have to change it all. 

#2 Come up with a theme for the party 

Once you have a better idea of what food you cannot serve at the party, you can start to think about what food you can. The best place to start is to decide on a theme for the party, and then you can tailor the food to the theme. For Christmas, there are plenty of themes to choose from, for example, you can go traditional, or more specific, such as Winter Wonderland, Christmas cheese party, Christmas around the world, a Christmas costume party, and much more. 

#3 Buffet or sit down meal? 

Whether you choose to serve buffet-style food at your party, or a sit-down meal, will entirely depend on the theme, the number of attendees and the intention of the party. A sit-down meal will entail arranging adequate seating and chairs, assigning seats for each attendee, taking meal orders and organising a coordinated eating time. A sit-down meal, however, is a great way to get people closer together, and have more formal conversations. A buffet-style arrangement will entail a more flexible dining option, as it will not have a strict time to eat or seating arrangements. It will mean guests can pick and choose what to eat, and when, throughout the night, and mingle with a variety of other guests. Your bespoke catering team will be able to help you arrange the best dining option for your party. 

#4 Think outside the box 

Christmas parties happen every year, and they are usually very similar. It can be a great opportunity to think about how you can make the Christmas food unique to all other past events. There is no shortage of ideas when it comes to Christmas that can please the crowd, especially if you opt for buffet-style dining, for example, Christmas shaped pizzas, savoury s'mores, cranberry brie tartlets, Christmas tree cheesecakes, and Christmas Brie. The idea is to see where you can combine your theme, with popular Christmas dishes, and see what you can twist it into.

Planning the food for your Christmas party can be a challenge, but is worth the effort. Once you have everyone’s dietary requirements, see where you can think outside the box and make it a dining experience to remember. 


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